May Networking - Zoom Meeting
Wed, May 20
|Zoom Meeting
Let's get together and share business and prospecting tips during a time of social distancing.

Time & Location
May 20, 2020, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Zoom Meeting
About the Event
In May we will support each other by sharing how our business life has been adapted in a COVID-19 world. This format worked well in April so we decided to use this approach again this month. Preference will be provided to those participants who are new to the group or didn't get a chance to share in April.
After your 30 second summary, each group member will have an opportunity to share:
- Are you OPEN and working remotely or in the office?
- How have you and your business been impacted by the recent events and shelter in place?
- What creative things have you done right now to keep business moving?
- How can the Top of the Bay Group help during this time?
There is no charge for this event.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 6053 0965 One tap mobile +13017158592,,85960530965# US (Germantown) +19292056099,,85960530965# US (New York)
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